Biophysics Research Laboratory BUET
Dr. Mohammad Abu Sayem Karal
Professor Department of Physics, BUET, Dhaka-1000 |
♦♦ Research Collaborators ♦♦
1) Professor Dr. Victor Levadnyy
Senior Scientist
Theoretical Problem Center of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology
Russian Academy of Science, Kosugina, Moscow, Russia
1) Professor Dr. Marina Belaya
Department of Mathematics of Russian State University for the Humanities
Moscow GSP-3 125993, Russia
2) Professor Dr. Khondker Siddique-e Rabbani
Honorary Professor,
Department of Bio-Medical Physics & Technology
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
3) Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam Khan
Principal Scientific Officer,
Materials Science Division
Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka
4) Dr. Zaid Bin Mahbub
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics & Physics
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
5) A. K. M. Atique Ullah
Chemistry Division
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh